New Praxis II Process

Changes are happening in the world of test taking. In order to keep you up to date, we'd like to update you on the background of these changes and what it means for you.

Wisconsin, like many states nationwide, is experiencing a severe shortage of teachers, and the amount of people heading into teaching is also at a low. In order to address this, the DPI has implemented some changes, in order to make the path to receiving your teaching license more flexible, transparent, and clear. Many of these changes affect administration only, but here are the two you should know about:

1. They are allowing educator preparation programs flexibility in their admissions policies by removing certain testing (mainly the Praxis CORE) and GPA requirements from the rules.

2. They are allowing teacher and pupil services candidates to demonstrate content knowledge with a 3.0 or higher GPA in license area or by successfully completing a content based portfolio.

Because of this emergency ruling by the DPI, Beloit EDYS has modified our admission and content knowledge policy as of September 12th, 2017.

The new rule states:

Beloit College Admission and Content Knowledge Policy Under Emergency Rule
Effective on September 12, 2017
GPA requirement for admitting to the program: 2.75 (no change from the previous rule).
Praxis CORE requirement:
·         Praxis CORE can be substituted with SAT, ACT or ACT with writing (passing score: SAT 520 on Mathematics, 510 on Critical Reading, 480 on writing, ACT Composite score of 23 with a minimum score of 20 on English, Math and Reading or Composite score of 22 and combined English/Writing score of 20 on the ACT Plus Writing Test—no change from previous rule).
·         If students' SAT/ACT/ACT with writing is lower, or if students are admitted to Beloit College without a SAT/ACT/ACT with writing score, students will complete math, writing and reading requirement through the college general education. Currently, Beloit College’s general education requirement includes one course with quantitative skills (marked with a “Q ” on their transcript), three courses emphasizing writing skills (marked with a “W” on their transcript), and one course emphasizing the reading and analysis of texts which parallels to a reading component (marked with a 5T on their transcript).  Students who transferred from another institution also need to fulfill all general education requirement.
Praxis subtests and ACTFL (content tests):
·         For EA/A and EC/A certifiers:  Students with a 3.0 or higher GPA in the major of their license area are waived from taking Praxis subtest and ACTFL for content areas.
·         For MC/EA certifiers: In order to be waived from taking Praxis subtest, students in MC/EA certification program need 1) a 3.0 or higher GPA in their overall GPA (Beloit College has a general education requirement in place which includes requirement for math, science, social studies and language arts related courses);  and 2a B or higher in selected education classes from their education major to further demonstrate their mastery in social studies, math, science and language arts (including B or higher for education methods classes on math, science, social studies or language arts teaching, and an average of B or higher for all four education foundations classes).
·         Course credits transferred from other colleges may potentially fulfill general education and other program requirements.
·         EDYS department does not offer minors with licensing option.
Candidates who did not pass the Praxis Core or content tests prior to the emergency rule would be reconsidered under the new rule and may potentially receive a waiver of both tests if they meet the requirement as stipulated above. This new policy would also apply to alumni who return to Beloit to seek their license.  
10% policy for the new Admissions policy:
Students need to petition and faculty discuss and make decisions based on individual case.

If you have any questions about this, or want to know if you qualify, please contact your advisor. 


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