"Chin up...stand tall...persevere."

Did you know that Beloit College EDYS has a facebook group for alumni to reconnect?

Beloit EDYS alumni come together and chat about what they're doing, discuss questions that are posted in the group a few times a week, and keep up to date on what's going on currently in the department.

Recently, one Beloit alumna gave a great piece of encouragement, "Chin up...stand tall...persevere."

It's midterm week. Fall break is so close and yet so far. Some of you are realizing there's only seven weeks left in the semester and you're wondering how you'll possibly be able to finish everything in time. Some of you are realizing there's seven weeks until the end of the semester and you're wondering if this will ever end. 

This is the point of the semester in which you thought you were tired before, but now you've reached a new level of exhaustion. It's the point of the semester in which clean laundry and showers are luxuries. 

We know it's hard, college schedules are crazy, but we also believe that you can do this! Chin up... stand tall... persevere. 

Looking for a more practical piece of advice for getting through this week?
Another Beloit Alumna recommended not bringing work home at the end of the day. Of course this seems kind of silly when you have "homework" assigned to you on a daily basis, but it's not a bad idea to schedule a couple hour block every day that you spend in the library or another study space and do your homework. That way, at the end of the day, when you go back to your cozy dorm or apartment, it can actually be a place of rest, and not another place of stress and expectations. 

Happy Midterm Week, everyone! We can do this! 
