Congratulations Graduates

On May 13, 2017 The Education and Youth Studies Department hosted a brunch for its graduating seniors and their families to celebrate student accomplishments and wish them the best in the future. They celebrated the achievements of teaching majors who graduated in December (Taurie Burns, Emily Mingus, Orianna O'Neill, Nora Polaski, Michael Roth, Tyler Jackson, Michelle Kelly, Rebecca Scheckel) as well as the five student teachers who will be graduating in December of 2017(Kelsey Horvath, Taylor Lewis, William Dace, Sawyer Lindland, Austin Padjen.) They also celebrated the achievements of the Track 3 youth and society majors(Chen Bao, Kyndall White, William Banville, Sien Fu, Julia Graston, Anisa Martinez, Nyasha Nyamhondoro, Dina Sipiora, Madeline Stein) alongside the four students who earned departmental honors (Chen Bao, Kyndall White, Julia Graston, and Dina Sipiora) In addition to that, they recognized the four EDYS award recipients (Nora Polaski, Michelle Kelly, Rebecca Scheckel, and Forrest Lloyd.)


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